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There are not words big enough to express our sincere gratitude to you. All we can offer is thank you. You are our Heroes and Sheroes. You are in our thoughts and in our prayers. For all you’ve done, we cannot thank you enough.

You are faced day in and day out with unimaginable challenges. We hope that Frontline Light Workers helps you and your colleagues, friends and families to reduce stress through putting words to your experiences, and sharing what is going on in your hearts and minds with those you choose to, at the depth you choose to, at the time you choose to. Thank you.

You will see other games on this site. You might be interested in lightening the mood, and playing a round of Keep It Real, or in going to the CPR Game to discuss more general topics surrounding this pandemic. For any of you who have suffered personal losses, our deepest sympathies. We hope Loss & Remembrance will bring comfort. And, if you have any family members or friends who struggle with Addictions, or with wounds from incarceration, please feel free to share Shelter in The Storm Addictions Recovery, or Recharge Reentry.

Frontline Light Workers has 60 Questions, and 20 Quotes

Please ENTER Frontline Light Workers and begin. Choose someone to go first. Whoever chooses the question is the Leader for that round. The Leader reads the question out loud, then each participant will answer the same question, until every participant has answered. Then, the next person is to choose the next question, and so on. You will see a previous and next button -- designed so you can go backwards and forwards, to choose the question you wish to reflect on and discuss. If you would like to see all of the questions at once, and choose from the full list, please click on LIST of Questions, and choose your question from there.

You will see a button for QUOTES. When it is your turn to be the Leader, and you wish to switch to a Quote, click on QUOTES, and choose the quote you wish for your group to interact with. Read your quote out loud, and all participants share thoughts and feelings about the quote with one another.

There are No Right or Wrong Answers

Everyone will be sharing their own unique experiences. We are here to open our hearts and minds to one another, as we uplift our spirits. No judgments allowed. Please speak to your comfort level and express as much or as little as you are comfortable with.


Some of the questions are intimate and personal and may be difficult to speak about. Please have everyone agree that whatever is said during this time together, will remain confidential. Also, please have everyone agree to allow each person to speak their own truth without interference.